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Sum of Elements in an Array


You will solve this exercise starting from the sum-array.asm file located in the drills/tasks/sum-array/support directory.

In the sum-array.asm file the sum of elements in an array of bytes (8-bit representation) is calculated.

Follow the code, observe the constructions and registers specific for working with bytes. Run the code.

IMPORTANT: Proceed to the next step only after thoroughly understanding what the code does. It will be difficult for you to complete the following exercises if you have difficulty understanding the current exercise.

Sum of Elements in an Array of types word and dword

In the TODO section of the sum-array.asm file, complete the code to calculate the sum of arrays with elements of type word (16 bits) and dword (32 bits); namely, the word_array and dword_array.

TIP: When calculating the address of an element in an array, you will use a construction like:

base + size * index

In the construction above:

  • base is the address of the array (i.e., word_array or dword_array)
  • size is the length of the array element (i.e., 2 for a word array (16 bits, 2 bytes) and 4 for a dword array (32 bits, 4 bytes))
  • index is the current index within the array

NOTE: The sum of elements in the three arrays should be:

  • sum(byte_array): 575
  • sum(word_array): 65799
  • sum(dword_array): 74758117

Sum of Squares of Elements in an Array

Starting from the program in the previous exercise, calculate the sum of squares of elements in an array.

NOTE: You can use the dword_array array, ensuring that the sum of squares of the contained elements can be represented in 32 bits.

NOTE: If you use the construction below (array with 10 elements)

dword_array dd 1392, 12544, 7992, 6992, 7202, 27187, 28789, 17897, 12988, 17992

the sum of squares will be 2704560839.

If you're having difficulties solving this exercise, go through this reading material.